Debunking Exclusionists

Non-binary and he/him lesbians are a part of the lesbian community and always will be!!


You may have seen this graphic being posted by anti-he/him & non-binary lesbians. It is full of such an absurd amount of strawmanning and ignorance that it is hard to argue against in a single tweet.

These arguments are deconstructed below ✨

First Column: Explaining TERF ideology

"Gender is a social construct"
For TERFs, gender is a social construct in the sense that gender identity does NOT exist. There is no gender identity, the only thing that matters is sex/assigned gender at birth

"Lesbians are females, not women"
“Lesbians are FEMALES” = “lesbians are ONLY AFAB people”
Because lesbian identity is defined as “same sex attraction” for them. They include trans men and AFAB non-binary people in this.

"People using male pronouns can be lesbians"
“People using male pronouns” = “Trans men” or any person who was assigned female at birth. TERFs actively try to carve out spaces to be inclusive of straight trans men who do not want to be a part of the lesbian identity.

"Pronouns =/= Gender"
“Pronouns =/= gender” because they do not believe gender exists and that you are defined by your biological sex no matter what your pronouns are.

"You don't need dysphoria to be trans"
First, I’ve never heard a TERF say this.
TERFs believe dysphoria is a mental disorder that needs to be treated via therapy that teaches you to love yourself and your body (see: CONVERSION THERAPY). Thus, anyone can be “trans” in the sense that they can present however they want, but it doesn’t entitle them to change anything in regards to gender identity.

Second Column: This differs greatly from the views on gender identity that trans people and inclusive lesbians hold

"Gender is a social construct"
Gender is a social construct in the sense that it is separate from our assigned gender at birth, it is not immutable in the sense that our sex/assigned gender at birth are unable to be something else. This is far different from the TERF point that gender DOES NOT EXIST

"Being a lesbian can be redefined to being female (argument for non-binary lesbians)"
First, what inclusionist have you seen use the word FEMALE to refer to the lesbian identity? Exclusionists seem to think the argument for non-binary lesbians is including AFAB non-binary lesbians
Second, being a lesbian is defined roughly as being a woman or woman aligned/ unaligned non-binary person who is attracted to women and non-binary people. This is inclusive of non-binary lesbians, REGARDLESS of their assigned gender at birth.

"People using male pronouns can be lesbians"
Woman or non-binary people who use he/him pronouns can be lesbians because pronouns do not inherently equal gender. This is different than TERFs who believe TRANS MEN can be lesbians.

"Pronouns =/= Gender"
Pronouns do not inherently equal gender in the sense that pronouns can simply be a part of gender expression. Hence, a non-binary person is still non-binary when using she/her or he/him pronouns because gender expression does not inherently equal gender presentation

"You don't need dysphoria to be trans"
Without getting into truscum discourse, inclusionists view the issue of gender dysphoria differently than TERFs. They believe in gender AFFIRMING care, such as access to hormones, surgeries, and a plethora of other things that alleviate dysphoria rather than ignore it.

Third Column: Exclusionist ideologies are just...exclusionary

"Gender is not a social construct, it is coded into your brain"
Saying that something is a social construct does not mean that it has no bearing in “the brain” or rather, that trans people are not REALLY the gender they say they are. Something can be socially constructed and still a very real thing that impacts trans people physically.

"Lesbian = a woman who is exclusively attracted to women
This obviously excludes non-binary lesbians (some of which still identify as women, because non-binary is not just one static gender identity). Also, it is quite literally TERF rhetoric that replaces the word female with woman.

"People using male pronouns can't be lesbians"
Excludes he/him lesbians by assuming that pronouns = gender.

"Pronouns = Gender"

Pronouns do not inherently equal gender. While they are an important part of many people’s gender identity, they can be a part of gender non-conformity for others. A woman who identifies and is a woman using he/him pronouns is not any less of a woman because of the pronouns used.

Additionally, non-binary people may use the same pronouns you are labelling as “male/female” pronouns, but that does not make them male or female. Pronouns are not inherently binary, they are just pronouns.

Anyways, fuck exclusionists who are clearly uneducated, disingenous, and hateful!!


Some other great cards:
He/him and they/them lesbians
Non-binary lesbians

( Made with Carrd )